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Many wealthy families choose to establish and manage their finances in favourable jurisdictions with legislation and infrastructure conducive to flexible, effective structuring and efficient oversight.


A Circumference managed Family Office provides a wide choice of services through unique structures tailored to the individual requirements of each client family.


We offer:

  • Establishment including licensing of each component of a structure including trusts, companies, stichtings, limited partnerships and private funds

  • Ongoing fiduciary and corporate management services
  • Registered Office services
  • Experienced resident independent Directors and Officers
  • Regular consultative meetings
  • Management Reports
  • Accounting services
  • Financial Statements suitable for audit
  • Board Room Meeting facilities
  • Communication facilities by courier, mailing, telephone, fax and other electronic media

related services

Company Incorporation and Administration

We incorporate and administer a broad variety of companies for clients from many different countries. We can manage all types of companies and provide a comprehensive range of services to ensure that companies we manage are properly constituted and legally maintained. We offer registered office, secretarial, accounting, director and compliance services to holding companies, operating companies and investment companies for example, saving time and avoiding unexpected costs for our clients.

Accounting Services

Our professional accountants and their support staff can provide timely, comprehensive accounting services for a wide variety of companies, trusts, partnerships, family offices with investments and operations in many countries around the world. We can conform accounts and financial statements to international requirements and standards and in audit ready forms. We liaise with directors, management, advisors and auditors as required to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness from initial entry processing through to financial reporting and final financial statements.